When you have something you can relate to or share your problems with, your mindset becomes Positive.
There are many fandoms in K-pop and each fandom shares their struggles and problems with each other. The love the fans have for their group ,has inspired others to do better and help a friend in need.
Other genres may have power messages in their songs, but K-pop extends the message to a bigger picture. K-pop groups have campaigns about it and movements for fans to encourage fans to have a Positive mindset.
When you have a person that understands what is going on in your head, you feel understood, which results in a happier mindset and positive thinking.
A k-pop community is like a club that helps and supports each other. You can express your feelings and struggles without any judgment.
Many K-pop songs have deep inspirational lyrics that touch the hearts of many.
Lyrics that a person can relate to and connect with. According to researchers, connecting or finding someone or something that understands what you are feeling is a way to find happiness.The idea that the melody of the song can help alleviate pain is not surprising, music can “soothe the soul.” Researchers set out to investigate the effects of music on pain and depression in people diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a disorder distinguished by severe musculoskeletal pain, followed by fatigue, sleep and memory and mood issues.
The melody is the most inportant part of the song. The Melody of the song has the effect on the brian to keep repeatting acertine sound even after you listen to the song. This repeat on the sound keeps a claming mindset and it help fans or K-pop band throughout their days. Thee linearing sequence of notes the listener hears helps set the mood for the litener, as different instruments have differnt effects on the brain.